Jordan–Israel Mixed Armistice Commission
HJKIMAC; IJMAC; HKJ/IMAC; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan/Israel MAC; Israel-Jordan Armistice Commission; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan/Israel Mixed Armistice Commission; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan–Israel Mixed Armistice Commission; Jordan-Israel mixed armistice commission; Israel-Jordan mixed armistice commission; Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission; Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan/Israel Mixed Armistice Commission (HKJI MAC) was the United Nations organisation of observers which dealt with complaints from Jordan and Israel to maintain the fragile cease fire along the demarcation line (Green Line) between Israel and Jordan. At the closing of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, on 3 April 1949, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan signed a truce with Israel called the 1949 Armistice Agreements.